
Antique Islamic Textile, Egypt,
Fatimid Textile Period
969 - 1171 A.D.
Size 10" x 6"
Size 26 x 15cm
Top & Below are Detail Images
Provenance: Formerly in the H. Kevorkian Collection
Cf: Tissus D’Egypte, Bouvier Collection Geneva
Early Islamic Textile

Origin: Egypt, old Cairo, Type: 2 fragments joined, Period: 10-12
Centuries Fatamid/Talunid
Warp: Material: wool, dark brown, dyed Spin/Ply: 5 spun Density:
Weft: Material: wool, dyed Spin/Ply: 5 spun, Density: 62in facing
wefts (x2)
Decoration/Surface: Technique: Weft faced plain weave in 2 colors,
banded with continuous wefts.
Finishes: original joining seam.
Remarks: Original repair